onsdag den 30. december 2009

Antifascistisk sejr over SIOE UK

Update : Tirsdag den 15 december skriver flere engelske aviser at omkring 800 politibetjente var rykket ud til SIOEs anti-muslimske cirkus. Flere skriver at det er en stor regning staten og borgerne kommer til at betale for Anders Gravers og Stephen Gashes cirkus.


The EDL managed to muster 15 protestors and the SIOE another 15. Both came and left Harrow at different times. However, despite their farcical turnout, the very threat of their presence required a huge police response of 800 officers that will probably cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds. From the SIOE's point of view this is a low cost, asymmetric war of attrition. Their members simply turn up in their small numbers – or threaten to turn up – knowing full well the expense to the taxpayer and to community relations. Their calculation is that only a handful of young Muslims need to be provoked into overreacting for the headlines they seek. The fact that is often overlooked is that the mosque or "community elders" have as much control over these youths as non-Muslim "community elders" do over theirs. In the end, most young Muslims chose to vote with their feet and not to attend."

Noget kunne tyde på at det for SIOE slet ikke handler om antallet af demonstranter, men at det mere handler om at skabe røre i medierne INDEN demonstrationen.

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